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This Month’s UCEMC Cares Grants Awarded

UCEMC CARES Incorporate

 A Little Change Can Change A Lot 

Cares Grants Awarded since January 2014: $2,085,936.11

This Month’s UCEMC Cares Grant Recipients

  • Livingston Academy Soccer Booster Club granted $1,000.00. Funds used to support the Livingston Academy soccer facility and players. To purchase uniforms, equipment, and maintain fields.
  • Fairgrounds Volunteer Fire Department granted $2,542.40. Funds used to purchase new extrication gloves and new suction live strainers.
  • Hardy’s Chapel Volunteer Fire Department granted $939.98. Funds used to purchase gas powered pressure washer and accessory kit to clean the fire department and apparatus.
  • Overton County Jr Wildcat Baseball Booster Club granted $1,063.09. Funds used to purchase new uniforms for the OC Jr Wildcats baseball team as well as equipment needed for this season (bats, balls, net, etc)
  • Parents for JCHS Project Graduation granted $5,000.00. Funds used to provide a drug free and alcohol free celebration for the seniors graduating.
  • Jackson Co Central Fire Department granted $545.48. Funds used to purchase a new thermal imaging camera.
  • SCHS Soccer Booster granted $2,000.00. Funds used to purchase uniforms, equipment and buses for away games.

Cares Grants Awarded since January 2014:  $2,085,936.11    


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