Delegates Return from Washington Youth Tour
UCEMC Delegates enjoyed stopping by President Thomas Jefferson’s historic home Monticello on their way to Washington D.C. L-R: Tally Kelly of Gordonsville High, Livingston Academy’s Samantha Maulding, Leanne Marcy of Jackson Co. High, Taylor Phann of Upperman High, and Kalista Negaard of Smith Co. High.
Tennessee’s Youth Tour delegates have returned from a week of touring our nation’s capital, exhausted but excited to be home to share their many stories and photos with family and friends. The Washington Youth Tour is an annual event sponsored by the Tennessee Electric Cooperative Association and the state’s 23 electric co-ops. It provides these young leaders with an opportunity to explore the nation’s capital, learn about government and cooperatives, and develop their leadership skills. Students were selected for the trip by writing short stories titled “Electric Cooperatives – Connecting Communities” that explain how co-ops provide communities with much more than electric power.