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It’s down and it’s deadly

Severe storms any time of year can cause downed power lines, poles, and extended outages. If you happen upon a downed line, stay as far away as possible.

Always assume a downed power line is energized and dangerous. Avoid going near it or anything in contact with the power line. Call UCEMC!

  • Downed power lines can energize the ground up to 35 feet away. Keep your distance!
  • NEVER DRIVE over a downed line OR through water that is touching the line.
  • NEVER try to move a downed power line, even if you think the line is de-energized or even if you think you’re using a nonconductive item – this could still cause injury or death.
  • If you see a downed line, notify UCEMC immediately!

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UCEMC Communications

The Upper Cumberland Electric Membership Corporation (UCEMC) is an electric power distribution cooperative. UCEMC is owned and operated by its members and distributes electric power through more than 4,600 miles of lines to more than 50,000 members located primarily in Jackson, Overton, Putnam and Smith Counties and northern DeKalb County. Several members are served in “fringe” areas of Clay, Fentress, Macon, Pickett, White, and Wilson Counties.


  • UCEMC Communications

    The Upper Cumberland Electric Membership Corporation (UCEMC) is an electric power distribution cooperative. UCEMC is owned and operated by its members and distributes electric power through more than 4,600 miles of lines to more than 50,000 members located primarily in Jackson, Overton, Putnam and Smith Counties and northern DeKalb County. Several members are served in “fringe” areas of Clay, Fentress, Macon, Pickett, White, and Wilson Counties.

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